Was ist Plasma GaNS
In unserem Universum, das von Energie durchdrungen ist, ist Plasma die Quelle von allem, das 'Gottesteilchen'. Es stellt ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Gravitation und Magnetismus dar. Wenn Plasma mit anderen organischen Formen interagiert, liefert es notwendige Energie durch Magnetfelder und entfernt unerwünschte Energie durch Gravitationsfelder, wodurch das Gleichgewicht wiederhergestellt wird.
In der heutigen Zeit verstehen wir, dass alles aus Magnetfeldern besteht, die anziehen und abstoßen, ähnlich wie Gravitation und Magnetismus. Jedes Objekt hat sein eigenes Energiefeld, das die Form eines Torus mit anziehenden und abstoßenden Dynamiken annimmt.
In der neuen Plasmaphysik ist das Energiefeld eine Kombination aus magnetischen und Gravitationsfeldern. Atome bestehen aus diesen Feldern, und die stabilen Positionen der Erde und der Sonne sind auf ihre Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen.
Plasma trägt Magrav-Felder im Gleichgewicht, und durch die Erzeugung von GaNS (Gaseous Nano State) können wir mit diesen Feldern in uns selbst und in der Welt interagieren. GaNS absorbiert und emittiert magnetische und gravitative Felder und fungiert als Träger von plasmatischer Energie.
Das Verständnis von GaNS erfordert Kenntnisse über die Nano-Beschichtung, bei der Kupferdraht behandelt wird, um supraleitend für plasmatische Felder zu werden. Dabei entstehen Schichten von Nanopartikeln, die als Supraleiter ohne elektrischen Widerstand fungieren.
Plasmen bilden die Bausteine des Universums und bestehen aus Ionen und freien Elektronen. Sie erzeugen Magnetfelder und können Ungleichgewichte in Körpern, Flora und Fauna ausgleichen. Über 90 % der Materie in lebenden Organismen besteht aus Kohlenstoff, Wasserstoff, Stickstoff und Sauerstoff, die alle starke plasmatische Felder aufweisen.
Dies ist eine Reise durch die Welt des Plasmas, GaNS und der Nanobeschichtung, die die Verbindung dieser Konzepte im Universum und in unseren eigenen Körpern erforscht.
Der folgende Text ist eine detaillierte Erklärung von Plasma GaNS.
Plasma is often seen as the most direct source of energy or the 'God particle'. It encompasses a harmony between gravitational and magnetic fields. When plasma is connected with other plasma structures (anything organic), it provides them with what they need (magnetically) and removes what they wish to release (gravitationally). It restores balance where it is disturbed. In modern times, we understand that everything in creation is composed of "magnetic fields". These fields have two fundamental properties: attraction and repulsion, or gravity and magnetism. Every object in this universe has its own energy field.
These energy fields, which are in constant flow, take the shape of a torus. The northern part attracts, while the southern part repels, creating the dynamics of attraction and repulsion, or magnetic and gravitational interactions. All fields are continuously interconnected, leading to a constant exchange.
According to the new understanding within plasma physics, the energy field being discussed is essentially nothing more than a combination of magnetic and gravitational fields.
Upon re-examining the atom, we see that protons, neutrons, and electrons are actually combinations of magnetic and gravitational fields.
Thus, the stable position of both Earth and the Sun is due to a subtle interplay of magnetic and gravitational fields exchanged between the two.
If everything in an atom, including the atom itself, is ultimately nothing more than Magrav fields (the combination of magnetic and gravitational fields), and since everything in this universe is made up of atoms, we can assert that everything is essentially composed of Magrav fields.
Plasma contains these Magrav fields in perfect balance, and through the creation of GaNS, we can interact with these fields both within ourselves and around us.
To explain plasma, we first need to understand the concept of GaNS. So what is GaNS?
GaNS stands for Gas in a Nano State. It is the fourth state of matter, alongside solid, liquid, and gas.
Certain atoms and molecules can release and/or absorb magnetic and/or gravitational fields. Released fields can be absorbed by other objects. A method has been developed to collect and concentrate these freely flowing fields from the environment into a usable substance called GaNS (Gas in a Nano State). Essentially, GaNS is a carrier of plasmatic energy.
For example, an organism will emit fields that it wants to shed (get rid of) and will absorb fields that it can use or desperately needs. The condition is that the right fields for absorption must be available within the organism's immediate environment. GaNS is a substance that exists in a special aggregate state (the formation of several things into a cluster).
Different types of GaNS can be created with different desired energetic properties, which can be used individually or in combination for various applications. Each type of GaNS has a specific field strength depending on the chemical elements in the GaNS.
Using this technology supports the self-healing powers of the organism at the level of the fields that the organism itself builds. Thus, chemical substances and processes are not needed because healing occurs at the level of magnetic field interaction. The nano-state of a 'TRAPPED' and CONCENTRATED GAS is already in the magnetic-gravitational plasmatic state, emitting its own rotating magnetic plasmatic energy fields, like the sun, and simultaneously attracting gravitational plasmatic fields. A container with GaNS essentially contains millions of suns within it. This rotating energy flow is guided by intentionally placed magnetic and gravitational nano-coated coils mounted in a MAGRAV unit. It is the interaction of the MAGRAV fields between nano-layers and other matter that creates the condition for GaNS to manifest.
We now know that GaNS is another aggregate state of matter on an atomic scale. It is closest to source energy in this experience at present and vibrates at a perfectly balanced frequency. GaNS can be used to attract and repel or to balance another similar field. It holds a perfectly tuned sound or tones that allow body systems to retune or come into focus.
Certain atoms and molecules can release and/or absorb magnetic and/or gravitational fields. The Keshe Foundation has developed a method to collect and concentrate these freely flowing fields from the environment into a usable substance called GaNS.
The Keshe Foundation has developed a tool consisting of components that can absorb fields and create GaNS; a substance that exists in a special aggregate state. Different types of GaNS can be made with different desired energetic properties, which can be used individually or in combination for various applications. Each type of GaNS has a specific field strength depending on the chemical elements in the GaNS.
The use of different types of GaNS with different field strengths or the use of nano-coated double coils with plasma batteries causes a targeted field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.
When these field fluxes are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the necessary parts of these field fluxes or to release an excess of fields to the environment, or they can be collected into usable GaNS.
Using this technology supports the self-healing powers of the organism at the level of the fields that the organism itself builds. Thus, chemical substances and processes are not needed because healing occurs at the level of magnetic field interaction.
Within the study of plasma physics, nano-particles and copper with a nano-coating are used for two different purposes. The first purpose is to create GaNS, Gas in a Nano State, while the second purpose is to serve as a carrier or conductor for the transfer of magnetic and gravitational fields.
Nano-scale coating is achieved by treating a copper wire with the right amount of caustic soda (cold or hot) for a specific period. This process increases the presence of copper atoms and oxides on the surface of the metal, resulting in a structured distribution. The result is that the surface becomes superconductive to plasmatic fields, allowing plasma from the universal field to flow through it. The surface exhibits infinite resistance and zero conductivity of electric fields in the material state.
In its original state, a piece of copper wire has a positive charge. Heating the copper causes the outer layers to transition from solid to liquid, followed by a gas phase and eventually separation. This changes the polarity of the nano-particles from positive to negative.
When positive and negative elements come together, they attract each other. This results in a copper wire with a positive charge and attached negatively charged nano-particles. Although the first layer sticks to the copper wire due to the positive wire and negative nano-particles, the second layer and every subsequent layer remain separated from each other.
The base material for the coating is copper in any form. The coating is achieved chemically through etching (steam coating with NaOH) or thermally through heating (fire coating with a gas burner).
During coating, "cracks between the outer copper atoms" are formed. This coating is often referred to as nano-coating, with layers building up during the creation process.
Now we understand that nano-particles are individual atoms of their original source that are no longer stuck together. They usually consist of a mix of metal oxides and occasionally some carbon/graphite layers. We use them for the fields they create, where their fields attract and repel surrounding fields through differences in magnetic/gravitational field strength.
All these nano-particles have a negative polarity and repel each other, just like a magnet does. However, since the copper wire has a stronger gravitational field than the individual nano-particles, they are all drawn to the copper wire. This results in layers of nano-particles adhering to the wire but repelling each other.
The result is a massive copper wire with layers of nano-particles on the outside and a flow of MAGRAV (magnetic and gravitational) plasma fields in between. What we have now is a superconductor with no resistance. This is the first time we have been able to create a superconductor at room temperature, as we are not working with electricity.
The distance between the atoms and layers produced by the nano-coating method depends on the process used and the salts and other elements in the caustic mix used to create the nano-layers. A good nano-coating typically has between 30,000 and 40,000 layers.
Matter can be converted into energy. Plasma can be considered source energy. It is a balance of magnetic fields and gravitational fields.
When plasma is connected with other plasma bodies (something organic), it will bring balance where something is out of balance.
This means that it removes fields where the specific plasma body wants to (gravitationally) and gives its fields to what the specific plasma body needs (magnetically).
It is known that everything we can and cannot see consists of magnetic fields. These fields attract and repel through their gravitational and magnetic properties.
Everything in this universe has an energy field and has a constant energy flow in the form of a torus.
From the bottom point, energy flows outward, and from the top point, energy flows inward.
Plasma-GaNS technology is therefore nothing more than a combination of magnetic and gravitational fields.
Thus, in the atom, protons, neutrons, and electrons are also a combination of magnetic and gravitational fields.
An atom is therefore composed of Magrav fields (the combination of magnetic and gravitational fields).
Everything in this universe is composed of atoms, so it is clearer that everything is composed of Magrav fields. Plasma contains Magrav fields, but in perfect balance. By creating GaNS, we can interact with these fields within and around us.
Plasmas are the most common form of matter in the universe. Plasmas are the fourth state of matter and consist of free electrons and ions.
Plasmas generate magnetic fields and are highly conductive.
Plasmas are a group of particles that consist of electromagnetic systems.
Plasma can also be described as an ionized gas, consisting of an electrically neutral medium, or in groups of unbound positive and negative particles.
Plasmas have many different complexities and properties. These are much greater than those of gases or other forms of matter.
A characteristic feature of plasma is that it shows collective behavior. This changes the effect of a field as a whole.
Plasmas are electromagnetic systems formed by groupings of particles that generally exhibit a net zero charge in their collective result. Plasma can also be described as an ionized gas existing within an electrically neutral medium or in groups of unbound positive and negative particles.
Plasmas are highly conductive and carry electric currents and generate magnetic fields. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is a type of gaseous substance consisting of ions and free electrons. Gases and plasmas, however, are clearly different states of matter.
Plasmas exhibit significantly different properties and complexities that go beyond those of gases or other states of matter. A distinguishing feature of plasma is its collective behavior, which alters its impact in a field based on the whole. A plasma field contains gravitational and magnetic fields. The magnetic fields of plasma add fields to an organism, while the gravitational field of plasma removes fields from an organism, flora, or fauna. Every physical object (electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe, etc.) is nothing more than a collection of magnetic fields, referred to as Plasmatic Magnetic Fields. These Plasmatic Magnetic Fields consist of a large number of individual magnetic fields.
In the case of an injury or discomfort in the body, it means there is an imbalance between the Magrav (Magnetic and Gravitational) fields. This manifests as an injury, ailment, disease, or pain.
Connecting plasma to the injured parts of the body will restore balance and thus alleviate the pain, providing what the 'out of balance' area needs and addressing the cause of the injury. This occurs on a physical, emotional, and mental level.
More than 90% of the bodies of humans, plants, and pets consist of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen—all of which have distinct and strong plasmatic fields.