GaNS Functions

Pearl GaNS
- Cellular Balance
- Bone Regeneration
- Skin Revitalization
- Stress Reduction
- Detoxification
- Immune Boost
- Joint & Muscle Support
- Anti-Aging Effects
- Mental Clarity

Shungite GaNS
- Energy protection
- Water Treatment
- Energy Balance
- Protects against negative energy

SiO Silicium GaNS
- Bone Health
- Promotion of Connective Tissue
- Positive effects on skin, hair and nails
- Anti-inflammatory properties

Pine Pollen GaNS
- Reduced Inflammation
- Blood circulation
- Immune system
- Hormonal Balance
- Energy and Vitality

P Fosfor GaNS
- Enhanced Energy Production
- Support of Bone Health
- Optimal Nerve Function
- Immune Support
- Detoxification

Se Selenium GaNS
- Antioxidant Effect
- Immune Support
- Thyroid Function
- Heart support
- Cognitive health

Quartz GaNS
- Stress Reduction
- Immune support
- Vitality
- Emotional well-being
- Strengthening of the aura
- Support for meditation and spiritual practices

Collagen GaNS
- Skin and connective tissue support
- Cell and tissue regeneration
- Anti-aging
- Healthy joints